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Monday, August 3, 2015
*click on image to view full size*

PTU Flowery and In Love

This tutorial was written by me on Aug 3, 2015.
It was made out of my own creation and any similarity is purely coincidental.
I used pspx6 but any version should work without problems.
If you're doing this tutorial you must have good psp knowledge and be familiar with the tools.
Let's get started!

Artist: Couple by Nocturne
Scrapkit: PTU Johanna by Scrappin' With Lil Ole Me
Mask: 102 by me HERE
Font: Any of choice

*open your mask and minimize in your workspace*

c/p = copy and paste, ds = drop shadow 

File - New - 700x700 - flood fill w white
Click on background with magic wand - new layer
Open paper1 - c/p into selection - deselect
Layers - New mask layer - From Image
Find your mask in source window - hit ok
Merge group 
Open 101 - resize by 50% 
Effects - Mura Meister - Copies w Following settings:

Hit ok and then add drop shadow
Open 20 - c/p as new layer - place on top of circle of flowers - add drop shadow
Open 14 - c/p as new layer - place on top of 20 - ds
Open 89 - resize by 50% 2x - sharpen - place to left
Duplicate - mirror - merge down and ds
Open 78 - place to top right - ds
Open 83 - resize by 65% - place to the right 
Duplicate and mirror - add drop shadow to both
Open 81 - resize by 50% 2x - place to the left 
Duplicate and mirror - add drop shadow to both
Open tube and resize to liking
Place to middle of tag - duplicate your tube and change blend to screen
Change opacity of top tube to 40 - merge down
Add drop shadow to your merged tube
Open 32 - resize by 50% 2x - place to top right - ds
Open 77 - resize by 50% 2x - place to right
Duplicate - mirror - add drop shadow to both
Open 72 - resize by 50% 2x - place to right
Duplicate - mirror - add drop shadow to both
Open 66 - resize by 50% - place to bottom - ds
Open 53 - resize by 50% - place to left and down some ds
Delete background layer - merge visible
Adjust - Brightness and Contrast 
Local Tone Mapping - strength 4.0 - Block Size 35 - hit ok
Add credits and name


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